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Product Ordering

We order vendor DSD products direct to stores and place

orders on the spot which get sent directly to the vendor via

our field ordering tool. Our experienced and dedicated

reps are trained to order on your behalf.

With our Canada-wide coverage, you can rest assured

that your product will be getting ordered everywhere it

is supposed to be.


We visit larger centers weekly, with coverage in all major

banners across the nation. Our retailers include grocery

retailers, hardware retailers, super center retailers, drugstore

chains, and many independently owned and operated



The major key to M30's ordering success lie in focusing on two 

main points; visit frequency and relationship management. 

We visit or touch base with even the most remote places

This helps us ensure that we can keep your product on the shelf anywhere in the country.

Our second point of focus is on Relationships. Our reps have been dealing with many of our locations for 10 + years. This means that they have built up relationships with the key decision makers in the store. It is through these established relationships that we can put your product in front of the decision makers at store level.

Retail Sales Associate

Case Study

One of our vendors hired us shortly after making their debut on Dragons' Den. The deal with the Dragons fell through, so this vendor urgently needed help in gaining distribution across the country.

As a result of partnering up with M30 they saw their distribution expand and were quickly purchased by a larger company. Our services were so important to this vendor that we are now working with the larger parent company to help expand this brand across Canada.  So far, we are making a huge impact for this vendor and are a key partner in the Canadian expansion of the brand.

Product Sales Specialist
DSD Sales Associate
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